Brompton Community Primary School – Year 6
We have started the school year with our new responsibilities and a number of elections.
Firstly, we looked at how the British Value of Democracy takes place in our country. We have voted for two School Council members and are awaiting the results. We then chose other members for the committees, which will represent our pupils.
In the last few days, we have held the hustings for our House Captains. We had a number of Year 6 children who made speeches and answered questions for our Houses. We will find out in Praise Assembly on Friday.

We have taken the responsibilities given to us in Year 6 by Mrs. Byrne. Here we are ‘Creating A Learning Environment with our ‘Brompton Hands’: all ready to offer and idea.
Outdoor Learning

With Mr. Simms, we have been fortunate to experience some beautiful weather and have taken on the challenges set for us. Our team building skills and safe fire work will be followed by classifying the plants in our wildlife area.

Our first few P.E. sessions, with Mr. Byrne, have involved some team building tasks, which made us think. Our competitive skills have been tested as we ‘Practised Under Pressure’ during Tag Rugby. Maybe one of us will play for Warrington Wolves.
Science and History
As our research skills develop, our Year 6 children have found more about life in Britain during World War II. Expanding our scientific knowledge has led us to learning the Linnaen naming system. We now know the panthera genus and can give the latin names for the tiger, leopard and lion. Plus a few others.
Spring 2025
Year 6 had a visit from the Royal Navy. As part of our understanding of the important humanitarian work they carry out, we made our own flares to fire.
With Mr. Simms, we developed our photographical composition skills: using the balance of forming our pictures through thirds. The images impressed Mrs. Byrne and she has asked us to think of titles for our images.
Science – Light and reflection. Our new topic is helping us understand how light travels in a straight line. We have included some work with mirrors as we try to solve the challenge of bouncing light around a corner.