Year 4

Learning in Science

As part of our learning in Science, we investigated the changes in pitch when we altered the amount of water in our bottles. We will be measuring the Hertz (Hz) of the sound.

We tried two different applications to develop a stop-frame animation.

In our Outdoor Sessions, we have used natural resources and to create images. This picture uses speedwell, a daisy, a dandelion, an oak leaf and a field maple leaf.

To help us remember different suffixes, we have made our own card games to play with our partners.

Number Line Hopscotch

As part of our Place Value learning, we made number lines out on the playground. Each partnership selected a starting number and an interval. The intervals selected were from 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 250. We counted as we hopped along the line.

Art – Tone and Proportion

During our Art lessons, we have been developing our awareness of proportion. We had a variety of items in the middle of our classroom. Each artist, drew the image that they could see: all were slightly different. Using our knowledge of different pencil softness, we selected the most appropriate for the tone required.

Hockey – Quicksticks

Some of our class will have the chance to attend a Quicksticks Hockey Tournament at Northallerton School soon. With this in mind, we have been developing our push pass and shooting techniques. We have played games of 3-a-side and 4-a-side. Body position and stick control are key skills in the games. We also have players who start as the interchange player: they replace a player on their team after a goal has been scored.

Outdoor Learning

Mr. Simms, our Outdoor Learning Teacher, has shown us many skills in the past year.  In this session, we foraged for edible foods including dandelion leaves. We tried these in a tasty wrap.