Our school vision

Happiness through learning

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Happiness through learning

About our curriculum

Happiness through learning

Our school vision

Happiness through learning

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Happiness through learning

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Welcome to Brompton Community Primary School

Happiness Through Learning

Message from our Headteacher

Welcome to Brompton Community Primary School’s website. We are constantly updating and adding to our website so regular visits are recommended! We are very proud of our school and the learning journey that we provide for all of our pupils and we hope that you enjoy reading about us.


‘Legacy’ is the vehicle used to drive aspects of the curriculum which we believe to be the foundation and ethos of our school. As we hang everything off ‘Happiness Through Learning’, we are also using ‘Legacy’ to promote Personal, Social, Health, Moral, Cultural, Spiritual and Emotional aspects of learning and our Rights as a Rights Respecting School.

Legacy will turn our Vision into action, purpose into practice and pressure into results. It will help us all to accept that ‘Good isn’t Good Enough’ and to be the best that we can be! As a result, Brompton Community Primary School will be a better place than when we found it.

‘Build your Legacy – This is Your Time’

Mrs Jane Byrne

Average Attendance

Number of Staff

Number of Pupils