Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 we are working hard and making every minute count. Here you will find a selection of photos to showcase what we have been learning so far.

Here is this terms Big picture for our class

Outdoor Learning

We made the most of the cold weather and started looking at editing images using our IPADs. Some of our amazing photographs will be shared with you all to see soon.


We are starting the term with our gymnastics topic looking at different ways of travelling and safely setting up and using equipment.

Reading Plus

We are working hard in our 3 sessions a week on our reading fluency, vocabulary understanding and our comprehension skills. Here is an example of our awards which are awarded daily.

Year 5 Science

In Science, Year 5 have been experimenting during their Mixtures and Separation topic.

Year 5 English 

Our whole school focus text ‘In Our Hands’ by Lucy Farfort encouraged us to take a walk in our local community looking at what impact we can have on our local area generating ideas to plan a community event for later in Autumn term.

Year 5 P.E.  

We have kicked off our Autumn term P.E. with invasion games.

Y5 Outdoor Learning

We have dived into our Outdoor Learning recapping our leaf identification skills and making masks with natural materials.