Year 4

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to Year 4: We have had an amazing start to the new academic year, with all the children coming back to school ready to learn. The children have worked together to create their own “Inside Out” control panel where they can check in on a morning. The children worked independently to create some stunning artwork.  

Maths: This half term in maths we are focusing on the fundamentals of maths: place value. The children have recapped their previous learning before adding to this with the introduction of the thousand’s column. Using practical resources, the children have managed to gain deeper understanding of the concept which will be the basis of all future learning on our mathematical journey. 

Science: This term in Year 4, we have been diving into the fascinating world of the digestive system! Our class had a fantastic time building a working model of the digestive tract, bringing the journey of our food to life. The children loved seeing how each part of the system works together (even if it was a bit disgusting!)

We also conducted an exciting experiment to observe how bread changes when held in our mouths. It was amazing to see science up close and learn how digestion starts right there!  

English and Art:  In Year 4, we’ve combined Art and English through the enchanting story “In Our Hands.” Children have used the stunning illustrations to predict characters’ thoughts, feelings, and the story’s ending. This journey has led to thoughtful class discussions about empathy and the book’s powerful message. As a finale, our creative pupils penned inspiring letters to the characters, coupled with their own imaginative illustrations. These activities have deepened their understanding and appreciation of both art and literature, showcasing their empathy and creativity.  

Outdoor learning: We’ve been very lucky with the shining sun for our Outdoor Learning with Mr Sims! The objective of the morning was to collect at least four different leaves and identify them. The children then made masks using the leaves to decorate. The children worked well in groups and enjoyed their session outdoors 

PE: We have the wonderful James Lofthouse this half term for PE and he is helping us improve our football skills. The children have loved spending their PE session in the sunshine, running around, getting their hearts pumping and having fun! 

Spring 2025

Welcome back Year 4! 

Maths: In maths we are hard at work learning our times tables, our focus at the start of term has been cracking the 11 and 12 times table. Additionally, we have been expanding our knowledge of multiplication and division operations. This will allow us to multiply and divide bigger numbers (3 digits) in the future. 

Science: This term we will be learning all about solids, liquids and gases. We know that everything in the universe is made from matter! We will be conducting lots of experiments to test our theories and predictions, ensuring we are working scientifically. 

English and Art:  We have been reading the traditional folk tale Quill Soup and comparing it to the original European story Stone soup. Later in the half term, we will be modifying the story to create our own folk tale with the message “people can accomplish more when they work together.” Later on, we will be reading Charlotte’s Web and Werewolf Club Rules! 

Outdoor learning: In outdoor learning we have been trying to make the tallest den. We have been using lots of natural materials and of course the most important thing, TEAM WORK.  We have also selected outdoor leaders who help Mr Simms as well as their classmates with their learning. 

PE: We are so lucky to go to the leisure centre for our swimming lessons this term. The children are really enjoying splashing around.

History: We have been looking at our Brompton timeline and focusing on childhood in the Tudor and Victorian times. We even got to experience this in the classroom. Later in the term we will be looking at Anglo Saxons and other settlers in Britain.

Geography: In geography so far, we have been learning where our food comes from and calculating how far it has travelled to get here. Building on this, children will learn about how our food choices affect the environment and investigate the sustainability of the food sourced for our school meals.