Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! Miss Greer, Miss Abbs and Miss Brown 


This half term we have been looking at the texts ‘Traction Man is Here’ and ‘Traction man meets Turbo Dog’ by Mini Grey. The children have enjoyed exploring this fictional text about a toy that comes to life. We have spent time looking at the main characters, describing them and acting out parts of the story. Next week, the children are excited to retell the story in their own words. 


We have been very busy in our maths lessons this half term. We started the new year by finishing off our shape topic and have then moved on to money. The children are using their addition and subtraction skills to calculate with money and thoroughly enjoyed our shopping day. The children made amounts of money with different coins. We will then move on to multiplication and division before the February holidays. 


This term we are learning about ‘every day materials’.  The children have shown good understanding of the difference between objects and materials and we have explored what the term ‘properties’ means in relation to materials. 

P.E and outdoor learning

On a Monday afternoon, we are working with James Lofthouse to develop the children’s invasion game skills. On a Wednesday afternoon, the children have outdoor learning with Mr Sims. 

Spring 2025