Foundation Stage

Welcome to our Foundation Stage Unit

We are all looking forward to a fantastic year in Foundation Stage with our new F1 children (Nursery) and F2 children (Reception), and we have had a wonderful 3 weeks getting to know our amazing children.

Nursery runs each morning from 8.45-11.45 and begins the term after your child turns 3.

Reception runs each morning from 8.45-3.00

If you have a child due to start nursery or reception this year or next and would like to view our setting and meet the teachers then please contact the school office to book a visit.

Autumn 1

This term the children have been settling in, meeting their new teachers, making lots of new friends and exploring all of the different areas in our setting!

We have already begun our learning in phonics and maths as well as sharing our whole school book “In our hands”.

Our topic for this term is “Marvellous Me” and we will be looking at all the things that make us who we are! Our likes and dislikes, our family and friends, things that we are good at, things we find tricky, what we look like and how our bodies work.

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Autumn 2

We have had a very busy half term: starting with a visit by the army to help us learn all about the importance of Remembrance Day, followed by raising money for Children in Need.

During Literacy we have been exploring fairy tales with “The Jolly Postman” and “The Jolly Christmas Postman” as well as getting our selves ready for a fabulous Christmas Nativity, which was very wriggly indeed!

In Reception Maths we have been learning all about numbers to 5 and even beginning to use part-whole models to record our learning. Meanwhile our Nursery children have been making patterns and learning all about the numbers 1 and 2!

Finally we held a wonderful stay and play with our parents and carers to share all the different things that the children have been learning.

Spring 1

We have had a fantastic half term learning all about the Arctic, through the charming story of “The Little Polar Bear” by Hans de Beer. We have been on a polar bear hunt in the school grounds and learnt about lots of different animals that live in the cold, harsh habitat of the Arctic, including polar bears, seals, caribou and beluga whales!

We have continued to do lots of lovely learning in maths and our F2 children have been working really hard on their part-whole models to show what they know. Our F1 children have been learning all about numbers to 5.

As an early years unit we have begun a special challenge:  “Healthly Early Years”.  This half term we are trying our best to be active in lots of different ways completing weekly challenges in school and at home.

Finally we held a stay and play for all our parents and carers to celebrate Chinese New Year with the children. We had a wonderful time sharing our learning and trying our very best to use chopsticks…they are more challenging than we remembered!

Spring 2

We are looking forward to a fun packed half term. We have already begun our space topic with some wonderful story predictions from our F2’s and we can’t wait to start building rockets! Up, up and away…