About Us

Our School Vision is

Happiness Through Learning


Legacy will turn our Vision into action, purpose into practice and pressure into results. It will help us all to accept that ‘Good isn’t Good enough’ and to be the best that we can be. As a result, Brompton Community Primary School will be a better place than when we found it.

We will ensure that our school offers warmth and security within a stimulating and safe environment.

We will encourage our children to develop self-respect and respect and consideration for others regardless of gender, race, culture, language, religion or disability.

We will provide a creative and skills based curriculum with a range of teaching strategies to cater for the needs and talents of every child.

We will build upon each child’s existing abilities and successes and encourage the highest possible standards of work and behaviour.

We will ensure that every child has a good understanding of what makes a healthy lifestyle.

We will guide the children towards working with independence, using their initiative and showing a sense of responsibility whilst taking pride in their achievements.

We value our partnership with parents and our links within the local and Global community.